design. communicate. educate.

What I Do


Design and implement machine learning tools for gathering, analyzing, and visualizing diverse energy data sets; leading teams to address challenging energy systems problems.


Communicate complex technical information through reports, websites, presentations, and videos for diverse audiences including scientists and engineers, energy professionals, and policy makers.


Educate undergraduate and graduate students in machine learning, programming, and project management skills through intensive applications and team-based learning experiences


A selection of research projects from past and present.

Automatic Energy Assessment

Energy Assessment

using satellite imagery to do awesome things in this world

Smart Meter Analytics

Smart Meter Analytics

applying machine learning

Wind and Solar Integration

Wind & Solar Integration

using statistical modeling

Energy Storage

Energy Storage

operational simulation


Below is a selection of courses taught, project teams led, and student mentorship experiences at Duke University. These experiences were offered across multiple departments and institutes including the Energy Initiative, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and the Masters of Interdisciplinary Data Science program.

Data Visualizations

Machine Learning

an introduction

Arduino Power Meter

Python Programming

online course

Bass Connections Team

Bass Connections

team-based learning

Data Plus


research project team

Selected Publications & Outputs

Selected publications below. For complete list, please see CV

Download CV PDF

Building Energy Consumption

Building Energy

Estimating residential building energy consumption using overhead imagery

Data Science Resources

Data Science Resources

How Data Science Can Enable the Evolution of Energy Systems

Solar PV Dataset

Solar PV Dataset

Distributed Solar Photovoltaic Array Location and Extent Dataset for Remote Sensing Object Identification

Digital Transformations

Digital Transformations

How Data Science Can Enable the Evolution of Energy Systems

Contact / About

Kyle Bradbury

Kyle Bradbury

Managing Director, Energy Data Analytics Lab

Primary Appointment: Assistant Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering

Additional Roles: Managing Director, Energy Data Analytics Lab, Energy Initiative and faculty member of the Masters of Interdisciplinary Data Science Program (MIDS)

Institution: Duke University

About: I lead applied research projects at the intersection of machine learning techniques and energy problems. My research includes developing techniques for automatically mapping global energy infrastructure and access from satellite imagery; transforming smart electric utility meter data into energy efficiency insights; and exploring the reliability and cost trade-offs of energy storage systems for integrating wind and solar power into the grid. I received both a Ph.D. in energy systems modeling and an M.S. in electrical and computer engineering from Duke University, as well as a B.S. in electrical engineering from Tufts University. Previously, I have worked for ISO New England, MIT Lincoln Laboratories, and Dominion.


  • Doctor of Philosophy, Duke University, Energy Systems (Earth and Ocean Sciences Dept.), 2013
  • Master of Science, Duke University, Electrical Engineering, 2008
  • Bachelor of Science, Tufts University, Electrical Engineering, 2007

Hobbies: running, biking, guitar, and the occasional web design

Links: LinkedIn | Google Scholar |Twitter | ResearchGate | Github | Email | Duke Webpage